Stijn Luca
dr. Stijn Luca
Scientific Advisor
Qualystat © Quasydoc

Senior researcher applied statistics - Advise Lab
KU Leuven, Campus Geel
Kleinhoefstraat 4 - 2440 Geel

In the period 2014-2016, Quasydoc and KU Leuven joined forces to develop a user-friendly tool to statistically support decision making in quality control for (food) companies. The development of the tool was supported through an IWT – SME innovation grant and the end product is now known as Qualystat with an accompanied freeware tool on Dr. Stijn Luca was the principal investigator who developed the required statistical models for Qualystat and is still linked to the tool as a scientific (statistical) advisor. He can be contacted, when further consultancy projects are required to properly use or implement the statistical process monitoring techniques offered by Qualystat.

Stijn Luca is a senior researcher in applied statistics at KU Leuven and has a PhD in mathematics. He’s a member of the research group Advise situated at campus Geel and associated with the faculty of engineer technology. His research interests surround the theory, methods and applications of probabilistic data modelling. Current topics include anomaly detection and sampling design with special attention to the study of high yield processes with very low fractions defective.

For more information about his work, you can visit the homepage of his group Advise.